Protect Yourself From Ticks In Fort Myers

a tick crawling through fur

Ticks are arachnids, a category that also includes spiders, mites, and other types of potentially dangerous pests. Data indicates that ticks exist in hundreds of species in the world. Ticks are small creatures that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and many others. There are two general categories of ticks, which includes “hard” ticks […]

The Safe Way To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Fort Myers Home

rat eating food in a house

Rodents such as mice, rats, and squirrels are common pests that plague local home and business owners throughout most of the U.S. As largely opportunistic scavengers, rodents will often navigate through small spaces and enter houses, particularly when sources of food exist. Across the U.S. each year, various types of rodents infiltrate an estimated 20 […]

Identifying A Termite Infestation On Property

termites chewing wood making a nest

Termites are insects that eat cellulose, a primary substance found in wood and paper products. Termites have microorganisms within their digestive system that allows for consuming wooden material. Termites form large colonies with other members separated into castes based on their function, such as workers, soldiers, and those tasked with reproductive activities. Compared to most […]

Preventing Raccoon in Your Fort Myers Home

raccoon with its mouth open

Raccoons are North American natives found throughout most parts of the U.S., except for some regions of higher elevation, such as the Rocky Mountains and some arid areas of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Raccoons are warm-blooded mammals that usually reside near trees and are very adaptable. The northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) exists in North and […]

The Benefits Of Professional Pest Control

tech spraying in home

Why should you select a licensed provider of pest control solutions? One critical reason involves safety for humans, pests, and the local environment. Trying mythical home remedies or mass-market pest control products may prove insufficient against pests and also create potential health risks. The professionals prioritize safety and receive the latest training regarding maintaining safe indoor […]

How Do I Get Rid Of Fruit Flies In My Fort Myers Home?

fruit fly on citrus

Flying insects such as bees, wasps, mosquitoes, and fruit flies are among the most common pests found here in South Florida. Fruit Flies (Drosophila species) are a common year-round pest that is most prevalent in the late summer and fall months. Fruit flies search for ripe or overripened fruits and vegetables, including common grocery items […]

Fire Ant Control 101

fire ants crawling on table

Fort Myers, Florida, is a friendly city that offers people affordable options for home ownership in great neighborhoods. With beautiful homes, excellent schools, abundant amenities, and outdoor activities that provide fun-filled adventures year-round, you can see why people are flocking to this city. While home ownership in Fort Myers comes with many perks, it can […]

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