Are You Seeing A Lot Of Wasps?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t enjoy the idea of wasps taking over your yard. Fortunately, professional pest control in Fort Myers can help combat wasps. There are also several steps that you can take to control the problem. But first, it’s helpful to know what type of wasps you are dealing with.

wasp on the ground

How To Identify A Wasp

There are a few different types of wasps that are commonly found in the Fort Myers area of Florida. The most common include the yellow jacket, the paper wasp, and the hornet. Yellow jackets are usually yellow and black in color and are known for their aggressive behavior. They build nests in the ground and can often be found near trash cans or other food sources.

Paper wasps are slightly larger than yellow jackets and are brown or black in color. Their nests are made from a paper-like material and are typically found hanging from trees or eaves. Hornets are the largest type of wasp and are dark brown or black in color. They build their nests in trees or shrubs and are known for their painful stings.

How Wasps Can Take The Fun Out Of Your Outdoor Space

Regardless of the species, these insects can be a real nuisance, especially when you are trying to enjoy a picnic or barbecue. They can take over your backyard because they are attracted to sweet smells and can often be seen hovering around flowers or fruit. Wasps will also build their nests in sheltered areas, such as under eaves or in trees, putting them near your family. These annoying flying and stinging insects are most active during the day, so it is best to attempt to remove the nest at night while the wasps are inside.

Five Eco-Friendly Wasp Prevention Tips For Your Yard

There are also several steps that can be taken to prevent wasp infestation.

  1. Remove any standing water and repair leaking faucets, which can attract them.
  2. Keep your garbage cans clean and sealed so that they don’t attract insects of any kind looking for food.
  3. Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Wasps are attracted to garbage and other messes, so keeping your property clean will help discourage them from setting up shop.
  4. Be careful with food and drinks outdoors. Don’t leave these items in the open where insects can access them. If you’re picnicking or barbecuing, keep food covered until it’s time to eat. Getting rid of any fallen fruit is also a good idea.
  5. Use wasp-repellent plants around your property. Some plants, like eucalyptus and mint, naturally repel wasps. Planting them around your yard can help keep wasps away.

These eco-friendly wasp prevention measures can help discourage wasps from nesting on your property. If you notice wasps or wasp nests, be sure to call a professional for assistance.

The Most Effective Wasp Control Solution For Your Yard

If you’re still having trouble with wasps, you should contact a reliable pest control company in the Fort Myers area, like Stat Pest Control. Our pest control technicians can help identify the source of the problem and recommend the best course of action to get rid of wasps and other bugs.

Contact Stat Pest Control today for your free home wasp control estimate.

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