Studies suggest that German cockroaches don’t just disgust people, but they also make them angry. They’re filth and disease-carrying vehicles that move around at lightning speed. And with a super tough exoskeleton, they’re even harder to destroy. With that level of resiliency, it’s no wonder cockroaches have existed for over 100 million years.
Fortunately, Stat Pest Control provides the most effective pest control in Fort Myers to completely wipe out a cockroach infestation around your home, keeping your entire household safe, healthy, and comfortable. Our highly skilled team of technicians uses their background, knowledge, and the latest technology to eliminate German cockroaches for results that last. Read on to learn more about this common cockroach species in Fort Myers and how professional pest control can clear an infestation quickly.

How To Identify A German Cockroach
With over 4,000 different cockroach species worldwide, you’d think there couldn’t be too much variation among them. Interestingly, specific characteristics of cockroaches make each species distinctive from the next. German cockroaches are typically less than an inch long, tan or light brown in color, and have flattened bodies with wings. However, these types of cockroaches cannot fly but can flutter their wings just enough to glide down to the ground if they fall from a high elevation. These roaches have a fast running speed, which allows them to traverse quickly through their environment. They have long antennae providing them with a powerful sensory device to assess their surroundings and find food. They can also send and receive messages to and from other roaches. Additionally, German cockroaches have six legs and one pair of black stripes on the back of their head.
If you’ve spotted insects around your home that match this description, contact Stat Pest Control to schedule a thorough property inspection.
German Cockroaches Can Trigger Allergies & Spread Disease
When the World Health Organization (WHO) warns the public about the dangers of German cockroaches, declaring them a serious health hazard, it’s important to take heed. Roaches spend much of their lives traversing through an incredible amount of filth. By the time these insects invade your home, they’ve waded their way through decaying matter, raw sewage, urine, feces, and other bodily fluids. Those germs and human pathogens attach to their bodies, which they smear across any item or surface they crawl onto in your home.
See the different ways that German cockroaches can make you sick:
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Gastroenteritis
- Staphylococcus infections
- Food poisoning
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Roaches can also spread E. coli, campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, listeriosis, cholera, giardia, and typhoid fever. Asthma and allergy sufferers, beware. Exposure to roach excrement and saliva can trigger severe allergic reactions. For the health and safety of you and your family members, pay close attention to any signs of cockroaches in your Fort Myers home so you can take action quickly.
Why DIY German Cockroach Control Is A Waste Of Time & Money
It’s an amazing feeling to fix an item or solve an issue on your own rather than paying someone else to do it. However, that sense of satisfaction could lead you to believe that do-it-yourself (DIY) methods and home remedies can resolve any problem you encounter. And while many people find DIY practices useful to address minor household matters, these techniques don’t eliminate major pest infestations entirely. You could waste your time and money using the wrong products or misusing the right ones.
If you suspect roach activity in your home, consult with pest management professionals. They’ll be able to recommend a service they offer that uses the most effective German cockroach treatment.
The Secret To Getting Rid Of German Cockroaches In Your Home
It’s no secret that German cockroaches pose a significant health hazard to your entire household. The number of human pathogens and diseases they can spread are too numerous to list. Their lightning-fast reproduction rate can result in a massive infestation that you shouldn’t attempt to solve using DIY tricks or home remedies. Look no further than partnering with the pros for the most effective German cockroach control. Experienced technicians understand the urgency of getting rid of cockroaches in Fort Myers.
Stat Pest Control has been delivering exceptional pest elimination solutions to our Fort Myers residents since 2018. Our mission is to treat customers like family, making them comfortable throughout the entire process. We also ensure the health of our residents by only dispensing products safe to use around children and pets. Let us help restore peaceful, pest-free living back to your indoor and outdoor living spaces. Reach out to us today to request your complimentary estimate and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Fort Myers.