Raccoons are North American natives found throughout most parts of the U.S., except for some regions of higher elevation, such as the Rocky Mountains and some arid areas of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. Raccoons are warm-blooded mammals that usually reside near trees and are very adaptable.
The northern raccoon (Procyon lotor) exists in North and Central America. In contrast, the South American raccoon or crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorous) generally prefers marshy areas or jungles in countries including Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, and others.
Most Americans will recognize raccoons as a result of their distinctive appearance and prevalence in urban and suburban areas. Raccoons are four-legged creatures with a typical body weight of 10 to 20 pounds, a long, thick tail, and a black “mask-like” facial feature. A raccoon’s front paws have “fingers” that allow for amazing dexterity, as they can grasp, pull, open, dig, climb, and swim.
Raccoons are solitary in nature except for when mothers are raising their young. They often use hollow trees, holes in the ground, or similar sites as homes where they will sleep during the day and emerge after dark.
Are you looking for effective pest control for raccoons on your property? An experienced Fort Myers pest control company will maintain a staff that understands raccoon pest control and deploys many of the latest raccoon prevention and control products on the market today.

Why Raccoons Love Urban Areas
With continued urban development and agricultural expansion, raccoons exist in most parts of Florida. Raccoons often live in residential settings and emerge during the day when people are off at work or school, and dogs remain inside their homes. When foraging, raccoons will usually stay within a mile of their home, as males are particularly territorial.
Raccoons consume an omnivorous diet that adapts to the surroundings and may include plants, nuts, berries, frogs, insects, mice, and more.
The primary predators that target raccoons in Florida are alligators, bobcats, coyotes, and some larger birds of prey. Experts suggest that roadway motorists are responsible for a sizable number of raccoon deaths.
As surprisingly intelligent creatures, raccoons thrive in urban environments because of the abundance of food scraps—particularly in the garbage. Raccoons love access to trash receptacles near public parks or picnic areas, restaurant dumpsters, and birdfeeders. In some instances, raccoons will live below decks, porches, or sheds.
Why You Don’t Want Raccoons Hanging Around Your House
Raccoons are traditionally associated with rabies, a viral disease that a rabid animal might transmit to a human or pet with potentially fatal consequences. Along with raccoons, bats and skunks are also common carriers of rabies. The virus attacks the nervous system and, ultimately, the brain in fatal cases. Rabid raccoons often appear disoriented, aggressive, or noisy and have watery eyes and foam at the mouth.
When they infest homes, residents will generally either hear or see evidence of their presence. Raccoons commonly damage insulation, wiring, and shingles, and they contaminate areas with excrement. Those with a raccoon problem often discover in the morning that a raccoon has accessed garbage cans in garages or outdoor areas overnight and left a huge mess. Other issues with raccoons include damage to gardens, dead poultry, or invasions of attics or crawlspaces.
Simple Tips To Prevent Raccoon Activity Around Your Yard
Property owners should educate themselves regarding the best practices for preventing raccoons. Consider some of the following tips:
- Closely inspect the exterior of the property for any possible entry points, such as uncapped chimneys, uncovered vents, and damaged shingles or siding, and promptly address any issues.
- Trash placed outdoors should remain in durable, sealed containers that will resist tampering.
- Move bird feeders and birdbaths away from the structure.
- Keep the yard free of unnecessary debris, such as accumulations of vegetation, firewood piles, or other possible hiding spots.
To achieve a positive outcome, property owners should choose a licensed raccoon control company that maintains the tools necessary for safely solving these problems.
The Safest Way To Remove Raccoons from Your Property
Stat Pest Control provides high-quality raccoon control services using many of the latest raccoon control methods. As a truly full-service company in the pest control industry, we also assist local homeowners struggling with fleas, bed bugs, cockroaches, stinging insects, and many other burdensome and potentially dangerous pests. As a locally owned service provider, we remain committed to operating in an eco-friendly manner that protects the environment that we share.
After contacting Stat Pest Control, we will deploy a trained specialist to the property for a detailed assessment of the premises. We look forward to speaking with you.